Speaker Series
Luke 12:12 "For the holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you should say.”
Several times a year, we gather together to learn more about our faith and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Future Programs
Tri-Parish Mission, October 26-28, 2020 - Fr. Ron Hoye, Vincentian Parish Missions (Cancelled due to Covid Restrictions)
Past Programs
Epiphany Party - Music with the Mayfield's & "Gifts"
Lent Reflection with Dr. John Cosco, "The Prayer of St. Francis as a Way of Life"
Divine Mercy Sunday - Fr. Thomas Petri
Tri-Parish Mission - "Seasons of Discipleship" with Father Brad Zamora and Father Matt O’Donnell from Arise
Frank Runyeon - "Signs - The Gospel of John"; "Sermon on the Mount"; "Hollywood vs Faith"
Divine Mercy Sunday
Tri-Parish Mission with Fr. Tom McCarthy, "What does it mean to be Catholic today?"
Divine Mercy Sunday
Tri-Parish Mission with Fr John Judie, "Living Fully for Jesus"
Fr. Eugene Hensell, “The Parables of Jesus and Why You Should Care”
Meg Hunter-Kilmer, “Mama’s Family: Life with the Blessed Virgin Mary”
Dr. Scott Hahn, “The Lamb’s Supper”