Parish Services
“Beloved, it is a loyal thing you do when you render any service to the brethren,
especially to strangers” (3 Jn 1:5).
Listed here are the various ways in which we serve our visitors and the surrounding community. For more information on any of these services, please contact the office unless otherwise indicated.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Sunrise Sobriety meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 AM in the Parish Center Youth Room.
A 12-Step Program meets every Sunday night in the School Cafeteria at 8:00 PM. Anyone struggling with alcoholism is encouraged to come and experience the freedom of recovery.
This wonderful organization houses, feeds, and finds new beginnings for unwed mothers. Call Terri LaHugh (270-683-1103).
Daniel Pitino Soup Kitchen
Blessed Mother meets at the Soup Kitchen on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8:30 AM - Noon to prepare the food supplied by the shelter and serve the meal. To volunteer, contact Josie Hagan (270-926-1483).
Food Drives for the Help Office
Blessed Mother supports the Help Office in February and October. Non-perishable foods are needed, including canned goods, juices, sugar, flour, dried beans, rice, macaroni and pastas, coffee, tea and personal items including toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, bath supplies, paper towels, dish and laundry detergent, etc.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Help Office of Owensboro, Inc. The Help Office is open 4 days a week and relies on volunteers to deliver services. The basic requirements for volunteering at the Help Office are compassion, and the desire to make an impact in the lives of the less fortunate in our community. In 2018, the Help Office provided 78,320 meals, clothing to 5,492 individuals, and emergency assistance for rent and utilities to 3,196 individuals to help them avoid becoming homeless. The Help Office provides on-the-job training (no orientation session) and continuing support. Here is a brief description of what volunteers do: welcome people, prepare them for the interview, answer the phone and prepare files, assist in the food pantry and assist in the clothing closet. Help for the less fortunate begins at the Help Office. Local churches and organizations require clients to visit us first to receive a voucher before they will assist with any emergency needs. Please visit or contact the Help Office at 1316 W. 4th Street Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-12 pm or call 270-685-4971.
Giving Tree
Each year during Advent a “Giving Tree” is placed at the main entrance of the church. We are asked to take tags from the tree, obtain the gift requested, and return the gift with the coded tag to the Parish Office as soon as possible. The gifts will go to families in need. If you know of a family in need please call Jan Storm (270-993-4455).
Right to Life
Pray, defend, and actively support all human life, from conception to natural death. Help is available in cases of untimely pregnancy and hardship. Call Right to Life of Owensboro (270-685-4922).
St. Benedict’s Homeless Shelter
Volunteers are needed to help in the shelter and to provide meals. Contact Charlie Dees (270-222-0612) for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The purpose of this group is to help with the financial needs of the poor. This group meets every Monday night in the St. Anthony room of the Family Life Center. They work closely with the Help Office and the St. Vincent de Paul Store. A collection is taken up on the fifth Sunday months to help the needy.
If you need financial assistance, call 270-683-8444 x32 and leave a message describing your situation. You must include your name, address, and phone number in order for the representative from St. Vincent DePaul to help you. Someone is usually able to contact you by the end of the day.
Thanksgiving and Lenten Food Drive
We are asked to bring non-perishable food to church on Thanksgiving Day or drop it by the office on the preceding Monday - Wednesday. This food is given in food baskets to families on our Christmas Giving Tree or families in need in our parish. During the season of Lent, the families in the Religious Education program donate food weekly on Sundays, and challenge the Parish to match them in food donated. Following Easter, the food is donated to those same families on our Giving Tree Program.