Parish Ministries
“See that you fulfill the ministry which you have received in the Lord” (Col 4:17).
Listed here are the various ways in which we serve the members of this parish. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact the office unless otherwise indicated.
Art and Environment
This ministry creates seasonal decorations that help set the mood for the liturgical seasons. The atmosphere of reverence and beauty all reflect the glory of God whether in the beauty of a flower arrangement, the care of plants, or images and signs of the Paschal Mystery. Extra help is always needed for this ministry. Please contact Cyndi Vaughan for more information.
Bereavement Dinners
These dinners are held for family and friends after the Funeral. You are invited to serve on a team that organizes and serves the dinners. We also need people to prepare a dish for these meals. Let us know if you volunteer to work a dinner or to be placed on the list to bring a dish.
Crafting Ministry
The Blessed Mother Crafting Ministry, formerly the “Blessed Mother Prayer Blanket Ministry”, meets on the 3rd Mon. of most months in the Family Life Center to discuss the ministry’s work and to pray for those who have received an item from the ministry. We prayerfully make lap covers, hats, scarves, blankets, cowls, and shawls by hand and give them to people in the parish and the community as a source of comfort and consolation. A priest blesses our creations before they are distributed. Anyone of any ability-level who knits, crochets, sews, quilts, spins, or wants to learn one of these skills is welcome to join us. We are also planning to have certain Saturday mornings scheduled for fellowship and to share project ideas. Donations of new yarn or fleece are appreciated, as are monetary donations to buy materials. Contact Marian Bennett (270-684-3955) if you know of a need or want more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assist the priest and deacon in distributing the Eucharist during the Mass. Ministers are also needed to take the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. You must be a full member of the Catholic Church and a practicing Catholic. There is also a training to attend.
Gift Bearers
Your family can volunteer to present the gifts of bread and wine at the weekend liturgies.
Hillcrest Ministry
A team of two people visit Hillcrest Nursing Home on Sunday to distribute Holy Communion and visit with the patients. This ministry calls for a commitment of every two to three months.
Proclaim the readings during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Readers should have sharp, clear voices. Contact Doug Dunn (270-926-3796) for training.
Ministers of Hospitality
Greet the people of God as they assemble for prayer, help them find seats if needed, and assist in taking up the gifts at the Offertory of the Mass. This ministry is open to men, women and teenagers.
Ministers to the Sick and Homebound
Visit with and take the Eucharist to those members of our parish who are sick and homebound.
Music Ministries
Cantors and other musicians are needed to serve the parish in song at the liturgies. Patty Woerter is our Coordinator of Liturgical Music. With the exception of cantors, prior musical experience is helpful but not required.
- Cantors lead sung prayer at liturgies with no choir. A meeting with the Coordinator is required.
- Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evening at 5:00 PM. These choirs also rehearse before the 10:00 AM Mass on the Sunday when they are scheduled to sing.
- Funeral Choir sings at Funeral Masses throughout the year. Members need to be available during the week with little notice.
- Children’s Choir is for children of all ages.
- Contemporary Choir sings for the 5:00 PM Mass on Sunday. Middle and High School students are especially encouraged to join. Adults are welcome as well. They rehearse on Sunday afternoons.
- Instrumentalists and accompanists - any member who plays a band or orchestra instrument is welcome to play for special liturgies throughout the year.
Visitation of the Sick
Please keep us informed of those who are ill at home, in the hospital, or in a nursing home. We can arrange to have Holy Communion brought to the home on a weekly basis, and home visitations by our priest on First Fridays for Anointing of the Sick, Eucharist, and Reconciliation.
Welcome Committee
This group calls on our new families and welcomes them into our parish. They also serve a delicious brunch in the spring and in the fall. For more information, contact Patty Woerter