
"And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles,
then healers, helpers, administrators, speakers in various kinds of tongues." (1 Cor 12:28)

For more information on any of these committees, please contact the office unless otherwise indicated. 
Family Life / Social Concerns Committee

The purpose of this committee is to strengthen and support our families. Cards are sent out in celebration of birthdays and anniversaries. Activities and resources are also provided to equip families to live out their faith in the home.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the pastor on financial decisions within the parish. Members are appointed by the pastor. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.

Inclusive/ Disability Awareness Committee

Our Disability Awareness Committee calls people of goodwill to examine their attitude towards those with disabilities, promote their well-being, recognize the unique gifts that they offer to the church, and work to integrate them in a fuller participation in the Christian community.  Contact the Office (270) 683-8444, James Geralds (270-685-0275) or Judy Kapelsohn (270-685-2657).  Thank you to Judy Kapelsohn, James Geralds, and the Inclusion Ministry Group at Blessed Mother Church for donating the Adaptive Sacrament kits and My Picture Missal Flip Books. If your child has special needs and can benefit from these, please contact the office where they can be checked out at no charge.


Parish Council

The Council is made up several parishioners who act as an advisory board to the pastor. They introduce educational and social events in the Parish and help the pastor in the planning and implementing of policy. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center. The meetings are open to the parish.

If you have any concerns or news of happenings in the parish, please feel free to talk with a Parish Council member. You can find their contact information in the parish bulletin, or in the “Ministry Contacts” section of this book. If you would like to be a member of the Parish Council, please contact a member of the Parish Council. Elections are held annually during the summer.

Stewardship Committee

The purpose of this committee is to foster a spirit of stewardship and to encourage others to share their time, talent and treasure.  The committee works toward an annual Stewardship Drive.

Technology Committee

This newly formed committee will help meet the communication needs of the Parish, including phone, email, texting, and social media.  

Yard and Garden Committee

The members of this committee clean the church garden, weed and take care of flowers and plants. They also tend to the watering and care of the plants inside the church. Volunteers are needed in this ministry.

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee meets the first Wednesday of the month. The committee plans for special celebrations, art and environment, and liturgical themes. For more information, contact Patty Woerter.